Tawanda had been a realtor since 2014 but during the pandemic some of her real estate lawyer colleagues told her how busy they were and suggested that she get commissioned to help them out.
“Once I became commissioned and researched the business, I took the Loan Signing System course and the rest is history.”
A natural people person, Tawanda really appreciates her new career.
“The most rewarding part of being a notary is meeting clients from all walks of life. I enjoy interacting with everyone.”
For Tawanda, going above and beyond for her clients is something she’s prepared to do every day.
“I go above and beyond with each client but there was a time when a client didn’t realize his wife needed to sign and she was at work. I notified title and without charging anything extra scheduled a time to meet the spouse at her job and finished the signing.”
Conducting her notary duties in a professional manner is another way Tawanda illustrates her commitment to her customers.
“Being professional to me is showing the client that they are important by handling them and their information with care and diligence.”